Wednesday 25 September 2013

Harrison Street view, Marshaltown

Picture taken by myself. Harrison Street, Marshalltown

There is no doubt that Marshalltown has architecturally significant buildings, ranging from different kinds of styles. Living in the city, my knowledge has expanded (fortunately) from just focusing on suburban areas. 

This view is seen from the corner of Main street and Harrison street, which runs one way west to the highway. This street run parallel the busy Simmonds Street, seen on my last post. Due to yesterday being a holiday, the street is fairly quiet, giving one enough room to explore stretch by foot.

It has been fairly warm in the City, yes finally! Those coats and hats have been packed far-far-away. Temperatures have been ranging from 25 - 26 degrees C this week.

Joburg has one of the best weathers and clear blue skies.

Sunday 23 June 2013

Weekend Traffic, in the City

This picture taken by myself. Simmonds Street, Marshalltown

Traffic in Joburg inner city can be a nightmare. Everybody who lives and works in Joburg city could also share the same sentiments. The city plays host to the countries largest headquarters namely banks, publication houses and provincial government offices, which makes it the busiest city in the country.
This picture was taken on a Friday evening on Simmonds Street, Marshalltown. This one way street serves as the main exit that links motorists to the highway, taking them to various suburbs outside the city.  Most people that work in the city, choose to live in the suburbs outside the city. I suppose not everybody prefers being in the concrete jungle 24/7. 
On the left if the photo, you will find a strip of restaurants. Most restaurants in Joburg inner city are more active during lunch time and are only opened during the day.

Monday 10 June 2013

Strolling down Main Street, Ghandi Square

 Photo taken by myself, Ghandi Square

We are yet again approaching that time of the year, the cold time.

I haven't been blogging for a while. Well, lets just say I wasn't inspired enough, grabbing my laptop, typing a few lines, and then crap! "How do bloggers do this". Living in Johannesburg brought back what I have been missing for quiet some time, and reminded me of what I really like. City Living. I have recently started taking a few snap shots, mostly by iPhone.

This photo was taken just off Ghandi Square, right in the Joburg central business district. Mainly known for its bus stops, the Square provides perfect views of the most iconic building in Joburg.

The Carlton building (right at the back), has been earmarked to be the tallest building in Africa. Infront of the picture, the main building covered in copper mirror, is Trust Bank. Creates a skyscraper feel.

Bus commuters are grabbing quick nibble at McD's right on the photo.The square hosts plenty of fast food restaurants.

The sun was just setting and the lights of both buildings we already being switched on.